Update on the New Bridge at Trà ?ch

[vc_row full_height="yes" content_placement="middle" parallax="content-moving" bg_type="image" parallax_style="vcpb-default"][vc_column][vc_single_image image="3983" img_size="full" alignment="center" style="vc_box_rounded" onclick="img_link_large"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="1/2"][vc_single_image image="3981" img_size="full" alignment="center" style="vc_box_rounded" onclick="img_link_large"][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/2"][vc_column_text]Randy Tipple As Paul Sullivan wrote in an earlier blog last April 2019, “The only access route to the church is in danger of collapse due to erosion from the daily rise and...

Easter Sunday Baptisms At Trà ?ch Church

By Randall Tipple Since I first met Father Minh, I’ve always known him to be a very busy, hard-working priest. I’ve witnessed, through the years, the pouring out of his life for the poor at the R?ch Súc community in C?n Th?. There, he was always harried with layer upon...

The Bridge at Trà ?ch

By Paul Sullivan Successfully developing a community center at the Trà ?ch Catholic Church has been a work of many months; it has involved tending to the physical and spiritual needs of the community.  Father Minh has done remarkable work meeting both needs.  He has provided food, clothing, medical supplies,...

10 Water Filters Complete, 50 Planned. New Initiatives…

By Paul Sullivan On February 9, 2019, Randy Tipple and myself, Paul Sullivan, parishioners of St. Mark, returned from the Trà Éch parish in Vietnam.  10 Biosand water filters were constructed by Trà Éch parishioners and 7 have been installed.  There is a 30-day period after installation to build up...

Successful Three Day Workshop

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Written by Paul Sullivan  Bridges of Saint Mark, a ministry of Saint Mark Catholic Church in Lancaster, Ohio, channels donations toward critical humanitarian, spiritual, and educational work for the poor in Southeast Asia’s Catholic missions.  Projects have included upgrades or new construction of churches, classrooms, and dormitories for college students,...

3 Day BSF Training Planned for January

[vc_row parallax="content-moving"][vc_column parallax="content-moving" parallax_image="3561" parallax_speed_bg="1" css=".vc_custom_1542660955962{margin-top: 70px !important;margin-right: 40px !important;margin-bottom: 160px !important;margin-left: 40px !important;border-top-width: 175px !important;border-right-width: 125px !important;border-bottom-width: 125px !important;border-left-width: 125px !important;padding-top: 25px !important;padding-right: 25px !important;padding-bottom: 25px !important;padding-left: 25px !important;}"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]   3 Day BSF Training Planned for January   Bridges of Saint Mark (BoSM) is organizing the funding of a...

Rach Suc Story

https://youtu.be/mcMEJ-L-JR8   The Pilgrimage of Prayer with Our Lady of Solitude to RACH SUC – CAN THO, VIETNAM.  Written by Father Michael (NGUY?N KH?C MINH)      March 20, 2012 1 / Rach Suc, The Land of Grace, is near a river with an abundance of fresh-water fish and fruit...


In each Mission area, there are unique needs among the Mission dwellers and the local population. Although all share water needs, we have been blessed to help with many non-water-related projects: Concrete pad for farmers to dry rice  Building a dormitory for women who attend a nearby college  Renovating a...


At each of the Catholic Southeast Asia Missions, being able to provide quality education is one of the most important goals.  With education, the poor in each community will realize: a closer relationship with the teachings of Jesus and the Catholic Church. knowledge of the dangers of consuming and bathing...

Biography of Father Francis Tu Trong Dinh

Last May, 2018, Father Minh invited me to join them in Can Tho for their annual celebration of Our Lady of Fatima. In this event, well over a thousand people converged on the grounds at Rach Suc Mission Church on Sunday, May 13th for a full day where friends and...

Update on Rach Suc’s New Satellite Community – CA LANG Church

Father Minh and his Vicar Cha Tu (Father Francis Xavier), is now able to begin a new work approximately 40 minutes away from the Rach Suc Missionary Church. By the help of the Holy Spirit and our Blessed Mother on this 100th Anniversary of the Marian apparition at Fatima, the...

2017 Children’s Summer Program Underway

It’s that time of year again when approximately a thousand children and nearly two hundred student volunteers gather at the Rach Suc Mission Church for their Annual Children’s Summer Program. For seven weeks, Monday through Friday; from 7:00 in the morning till late afternoon, children of all ages eagerly and...

Introducing Our New Director of Planning

Bridges of Saint Mark is very pleased to announce and welcome Debra Kaminski as the Director of Planning, Communication, and Outreach Education. Debra will be working on solidifying long-range strategic plans for continued support of Rach Suc Mission in Can Tho, Vietnam. She will also assist with online communications about...

Rach Suc’s New Satellite Community

Father Nguyen Khac Minh (Father Michael) announced on the 24th of March that he has the permission from the Vietnam government to begin a new work at, which, according to Google Translate means, “Thoi Hung Hamlet, Giai Xuan Commune, Phong Dien District, Can Tho City, about 30 km or 18.6...

Training Update

We at Bridges of Saint Mark are so happy to be a part of what’s happening with our friends at Rach Suc Mission Church in Can Tho. Recently, we sponsored and organized a three day event that occurred the first week of March that instructed a team of 15 students...

3 Day Hydraid BioSand Water Filter Training

Three Day Hydraid BioSand Water Filter Training At Rach Suc  We at  Bridges of Saint Mark are sponsoring a 3 day training session scheduled for March 7th, 8th, and 9th at the Rach Suc Mission Church in Can Tho, Vietnam. This 3 day event will instruct a team of 15...

2016 Update to the Rach Suc Facilities and More

2016 Update Just returning from a twenty two day visit with our friends at the Rach Suc Mission Church in Can Tho, Vietnam, Louis Lugo and I are pleased to report how much progress has been made with the help of Bridges of Saint Mark. Since the founding of Bridges...

Special Thanks to the Pierron family

Our friends at the Rach Suc Mission Church wanted to especially thank the Pierron Family for their support of Bridges of Saint Mark, a ministry that works to help the Rach Suc Mission Church in Can Tho, Vietnam do its Work. As many may already know, the Pierron Family launched...

Funds Sent to Help Complete Dormitories at Rach Suc

  In Mid-October 2015, Bridges of Saint Mark ministry sent funds to help the Rach Suc Mission Church complete two dormitories to provide temporary housing for poor students in their region and outlying areas who attend the nearby University of Can Tho. One of the dormitories constructed on the Church...

Food and Medical Supplies for the poor at Rach Suc

Recently, funds were sent to Rach Suc to help with medical supplies, over-the-counter medicines and food, such as rice, noodles, fish and eggs for the poor in their community. Once a week, the poor from all around gather to meet with volunteer doctors and nurses. On this particular day, Rach...

Another Successful TATE 5k Event

Words cannot express how grateful we are at BoSMark for the faithful sponsors, participants and volunteers who supported and worked so hard to see the success of the 2nd Annual TATE 5k -Taylor Pierron Memorial Event. To be quite honest, the success of this 5k has surpassed all of our...

UPDATE – On Current Work at Rach Suc

In May of last year, 2014, Bridges of Saint Mark successfully delivered one hundred Hydraid Biosand Water Filters to the Rach Suc community in Can Tho, Vietnam. Adding that to the number that was delivered the year before, there are now one hundred and thirty one total. It is our...

Article in the Catholic Times

What a Blessing!!! Because this coming Sunday, October 19th, is World Missions Sunday, The Catholic Times Newspaper focus' on several missions that profoundly affect people’s lives. We are so pleased to announce that in the October 12th issue, we had the opportunity to write about our mission to the Rach...

3000 Chairs for Rach Suc

Recently, funds from Bridges of Saint Mark were sent to the Rach Suc Mission Church to: Purchase chairs for the children, teachers, parents and community who converge on Rach Suc Mission Church for the countless events that take place there. Repair and update restroom facilities that are in desperate need...

A Tremendous Help

As we were busy stewing about how we were going to successfully deliver 100 more Hydraid Biosand Water Filters on the other side of the world, not to mention implement them, Father Nguyen Khac Minh (Father Michael), priest at the Rach Suc Mission Church, invited our son Louis to visit...

A Visit From Professor Thanh H. (Helen) Nguyen

  December of 2013, we (Bridges of St. Mark) received an unexpected email from an associate professor from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Thanh H. (Helen) Nguyen. She explained how she and her students were, “…water treatment engineers. We can help the people to use the filters more effectively. I...

Dedicated Volunteer Teachers and Doctors

When we visit the Rach Suc Mission Church in Can Tho, it does not take very long to see how the community in the surrounding area benefits from its work. It is not just a service to the Catholic community but a help to all those in need. Your donation...

Expression of Thankfulness

Father Michael, Nguy?n Kh?c Minh and his vicar Father Francis Xavier, Dinh Trong Tu, wish to express their deep appreciation for the work of Bridges of Saint Mark. After a busy - or should I say - exhausting week of visiting the poor, preparing for the traditional Vietnamese Children's Festival,...

Children Receive the Donated Clothes and School Supplies

On Wednesday, the 18th of September, the evening they celebrated the traditional children's fall festival T?t Trung Thu. T?t Trung Thu is a popular harvest festival celebrated by Chinese and Vietnamese peoples. That evening, BoSM distributed donated clothes and school supplies to the children of the Rach Suc community. Many...

Successful Delivery

We are so pleased to announce the successful delivery of 31 HyDraid BioSand Water Filters to the Rach Suc Mission Church in Can Tho, Vietnam. http://youtu.be/EWwwroE6Hok  

Without Any Hesitation

Without any hesitation, Father Peter Gideon of the St. Mark Parish in Lancaster, Ohio, said yes. In June of 2012, approximately one month after my visit to the Rach Suc Mission Church in Can Tho, Vietnam, I met with Father Gideon after a good friend of mine, Paul Zerovnik, advised...

Can Tho H2O

  http://youtu.be/TcXkAkC-aN8 Can Tho H2O In the article, “Facts and figures: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Links to Health,” Dr. LEE Jong-Wook, Director-General of the World Health Organization is quoted as saying:  "Water and Sanitation is one of the primary drivers of public health…once we can secure access to clean water...

Father Francis Xavier Dinh Trong Tu

It was Wednesday on the morning of May 9th, the Fifth Week of Easter in 2012 that I woke early to the sound of roosters crowing, dogs barking and what seemed to be singing from a distant Buddha Temple. It was a    beautiful morning at the Rach Suc Mission...


At the very beginning of my journey to help the Rach Suc Catholic Mission Church in Can Tho, Vietnam, I went to the Missions Office of the Diocese of Columbus where I met Leandro Tapay, the Director of Missions, and Gina Sergio, the missions Education Coordinator. I visited them hoping...

Children of the Rach Suc Community

"Bridges of Saint Mark" hopes to help the Rach Suc Catholic Mission Church in Can Tho, Vietnam in the form of projects; e.g. water purification, playground for the children, transportation, and the like. As was explained to me by Father Michael NGUY?N KH?C MINH, a Catholic Priest in Can Tho,...

Water to Drink, Rice for the Poor

Here, in these videos, we see how Father Michael (Khac Mihn) and his friends haul bottled water and bags of rice to the Rach Suc Mission Church. We also see how they distribute rice to the poor.  http://youtu.be/COP289nOpRc http://youtu.be/1yzcKdVIJ1A http://youtu.be/5hHcNMQuYw0

Father Michael’s First Request

Father Michael’s First Request   I met Father Michael (Khac Mihn), a Vietnamese Catholic priest in 2009 at the Port Columbus Ohio airport; he was flying onto Paris to study theology and I was heading to Lincoln, Alabama to work on a project at the Honda Plant there – I...